Skin Care Ingredients 101: Active Ingredients vs. Inactive
When it comes to product labels, many people have learned to read the fine print. For example, it’s not uncommon for shoppers in supermarket aisles to read ingredient labels on food packages before placing them in their shopping carts. The reasons why they do this can vary. Buyers with health conditions such as high blood pressure or a peanut allergy should carefully review the ingredient list. Likewise, environmentally conscious consumers can choose meatless products with organic ingredients.
Like food packaging, skin care product labels contain important information. Unfortunately, the terminology used in skin care is less familiar, which can make it difficult to buy the right product for your skin’s needs. Learn more about different ingredients, including active and inactive skin care ingredients, with the following infographic.
This infographic was created by SeSpring, a cruelty-free Korean moisturizing cream for face
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