PH Matters: The Importance of Maintaining Proper pH Levels in Your Spa Water

There’s nothing like taking an afternoon soak in your spa tub after you’ve had a long and stressful week at work. But, before you get too comfortable, check the pH level of your spa water because proper pH balance is essential to your spa equipment’s overall health and longevity. Fortunately, once you understand what pH levels mean in your spa water, it’s easy to stay on top of this maintenance issue on your own with the right products and procedures. Continue reading to learn more about maintaining proper pH levels in your spa water.

1.    Optimal pH Prevents Eye and Skin Irritation

Maintaining a proper pH balance is crucial to your spa’s success. A stable pH prevents skin and eye irritation, encourages healthy bacteria growth, reduces corrosion and scale buildup, increases sanitation, and minimizes maintenance. A balanced water pH will thus increase client satisfaction. To test the pH level in the spa water, you can use Insta spa test strips suitable for Natural hot tub and spa water treatment so you can adjust to the optimal pH range.

When testing the waters of your pool, it is important to note how many ppm (parts per million) are present to determine the optimal level. If the reading falls below 7, then it needs more alkalinity. You can reduce acidity by adding a proven alkaline product for the spa, such as the pH UP. If above 7, you mustmitigate alkalinity by adding a reliable product for the spa water, such as the pH down dry acid. With these tips in mind, your guests can enjoy their visit without any adverse effects!

2.    Prevents Corrosion in Your Spa Equipment

A spa’s water is generally held at a high pH of 7.2 to 7.8, reducing the corrosive effects of chlorine or other acidic disinfectants. However, too alkaline spa water can lead to a buildup of minerals and other substances on the inside surfaces of your equipment. This buildup will eventually cause corrosion and damage your plumbing, pumps, heater, and other expensive parts.

If you want to avoid costly repairs or even replacements for these items, it’s essential that you periodically check the pH balance in your spa water using spa water test strips. Doing so allows you to detect any changes in the pH levels before they get too far out of control. Corrosion on your spa equipment can lead to much higher maintenance costs, not to mention all the time and energy required to keep up with them.However, using reliable products like Clean and Drain will enable you to remove gunk and easily clean the dirtiest areas of your equipment.

3.    Optimal pH Prevents Cloudy Water

Maintaining the proper pH balance is crucial because it can affect the appearance and quality of your spa water. Though pH does not directly affect the clarity of spa water, it affects how other chemicals react with the water. For example, high pH levels can cause calcium deposits to form on surfaces like tile grout or fiberglass. That is often a result of using too much acid-based sanitizer.

However, besides maintaining the proper pH, you can also add a pre-filter, which will trap particles before they get into the pump. You’ll want to clean this filter regularly so that your filters don’t become clogged. Some people use an ionizer to ensure the water stays clear and free of bacteria while away from home. If you need assistance maintaining the proper pH levels for your spa water, contact a local company that provides services and products for hot tubs and spas!

4.    Optimal pH Enhances Sanitizer Effectiveness

The optimal pH for a spa’s water is between 7.2 and 7.8. That range corresponds to the sanitizer’s effectiveness while killing bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. Hot tubs and spas with water that has a pH outside this range are at risk for increased chlorine gas buildup, which can lead to unpleasant odors and skin irritation, among other problems. Hence, you should take steps to improve the pH so that your guests have an enjoyable experience.

Insta spa test strips work great if you want to quickly test the pH level without having to buy more expensive equipment. Dip one into the water and compare it against a color chart to see where your water falls within the desired range. However, always ensure you use suitable sanitizers like stabilized chlorinating granules and hot tub enzymes regularly to avoidthe buildup of toxic compounds does not occur. Achieving and maintaining proper pH is not tricky but does require attention to detail.

5.    It Helps Reduce Chemical Odors

PH levels are one of the most critical aspects you should keep a close eye on when running a spa. For example, if your water has a low PH level, it can produce a pungent chemical odor in the air around your hot tub or spa, which is unpleasant and sometimes dangerous to breathe. It also results in more chemical deposits on surfaces inside and outside your hot tub or pool, which means more work for you to clean up after everyone leaves.

On the other hand, if your spa water has high pH, you can experience a musty smell and cloudy water. All these smells, combined with dry skin, irritated eyes, and damaged hair, will make for a miserable experience. What’s worse is that this harsh environment may lead to bacterial growth due to an abundance of food sources (i.e., dead skin cells) in the water.


Maintaining a proper pH level is crucial for the comfort of your guest and the longevity and effectiveness of your spa water. Avoiding chemical shock, which can happen when conditions disrupt the chemical balance, is just one benefit of maintaining proper pH levels. It’s easy to test and adjust your water’s pH level to ensure you’re providing the best possible experience for your customers. However, using quality and affordable hot tub and spa treatment products will help maintain a healthy environment and extend the life of your equipment while saving money in replacement costs over time.

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