How Does Sports Nutrition Work?

Nutrition and sport are inseparable subjects. Those looking for a healthy life know well that the practice of physical exercise must be combined with a balanced diet. That’s where sports nutrition comes into play.

In general, the biggest problem is that there is no ready-made formula that serves everyone with the same effectiveness. Some people practice weight training and want to reduce their fat percentage. Others run marathons and need to maintain their energy through strenuous workouts.

As you can see, each has specific goals. In this context, sports nutrition can be a powerful ally to get there. This article presents answers to six questions that make up a detailed overview of the specialty. Among the highlighted themes are assessment, different approaches, and supplementation.

What Is Sports Nutrition?

Sports nutrition is the terrain where physical education and nutrition meet. The specialty aims to ensure the health and assist in the best performance of athletes. In addition to nutrition, the work involves knowledge in physiology and biochemistry.

Each sport and each individual require a different approach. Therefore, it is up to the nutritionist to make a complete assessment of the patient and develop a personalized eating plan. At this moment, the different moments of the athlete’s training routine are taken into account.

Who Is It Recommended To?

Sports nutrition is much more comprehensive than it sounds, as it doesn’t just cater to professional athletes. Anyone who exercises regularly can take advantage of the specialty.

In practice, the difference between professional and amateur athletes is that a high-performance athlete usually has a nutritionist who is part of a multidisciplinary team. Several professionals are needed to take care of the athlete’s health and performance.

The amateur practitioner of physical activities also has a lot to gain from sports nutrition. Among the aspects considered by the nutritionist are, for example, the importance of hydration and knowledge of the nutrients that the body needs to perform the exercises in question better.

What Is Taken Into Account In The Assessment?

Before making any recommendations, the sports nutritionist must make a complete assessment of the patient. The professional needs to consider, in particular, the following elements:

  • Health history;
  • Genetic history;
  • Physical activity that you usually practice (duration, intensity, frequency, and particularities);
  • Laboratory tests;
  • Lifestyle (eating habits, routine, and possible addictions);
  • Body composition (percentage of lean mass and fat);
  • Objectives (performance, aesthetics, health, or otherwise).

As there are many options available on the market, the nutritionist at SNAC has to indicate the dosage and the supplement that combines the most benefits for the athlete’s situation. One trend is to prescribe manipulated supplements. Through a formula, it is possible to combine different assets, reaching a personalized result.

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